Alakriti Aspirations
Company Details
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A•lac'•ri•ty (n) synonyms
1. eagerness, keenness, fervor, zeal.
2. sprightliness, agility

Postnet Suite 307, Private Bag x26
Sunninghill, Johannesburg, 2157
M: +27 82 574 6054
F: +27 86 542 1353

Being a good steward of the environment and our communities, and being an efficient and profitable business, are not mutually exclusive. In fact they are one and the same - Lee Scott, Chief Executive, Wal-Mart

Alakriti Aspirations

Demand on business to conduct their activities sustainably and responsibly is ever increasing. Investors are placing far greater emphasis on the social and environmental dimension of business performance and how it relates to business strategy.

Companies with environmental, social and governance policies have consistently outperformed the general stock market by 25% since August 2005 (Goldman Sachs GS Sustain Report, 22 June 2007). The preservation and development of shareholder value is seemingly dependent on a sound business case for corporate social responsibility and the management of social, environmental and ethical risks and opportunities in every organization.

Caring is a powerful business advantage - Scott Johnson, Australian Sports Coach

The Alakriti vision is to achieve an optimal balance between the most common systems of economic thought premised on the idea of continued economic growth and the physical and biological reality of finite resources. In this way we support business and initiatives to meet the ever-growing sustainability challenges they face.